April is FULL of ....."Things To Do"

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Have i mentioned how much i love spring? The sweet smell of flowers coming through the windows the bright blue skies and warm air.. Although recently here the air hasn't been all that warm. Not to mention lot's to photograph!

I started a business on my photography website. It's nothing big I'm selling some photoshop actions but so far it's going great! I actually made money off of it so now the test is over i plan to add more to it and get it going. I just haven't had the time to do anything to the site though.

I have a lot of different things happening. My husbands bday is on the 17th, the Pens are in the playoffs, Angela's baby shower is coming up, I have my site to take care of, Gardening work to do, and on top of everything i still have house chores to do everyday and redoing the kitchen cabinets plus bathroom tile removal is still on my list of "Things To Do" =X

Speaking of "House Chores" i better get off of here and get started.. Laundry, floor cleaning, dishes, dinner and more dishes later to do.